2025 Drama Club


What is the Parent Telephone Number?

What is the Parent/Guardian Email address?

Please check ONE of the boxes below regarding dismissal from rehearsals: (reset)

-Be on time for pickups. After being late for pickup two times, the student will be dismissed from Drama Club.


- Students will be responsible to leave the Drama Club space in excellent condition after each rehearsal.

- Pack a healthy snack (NUT FREE) for rehearsals.

- Expensive items and electronic games are to be left at home!!!! Cell phones left in back pack!!


I agree to allow my child to be photographed for publicity purposes (this includes final performance videos/photos and yearbook) (reset)

In the event of an emergency, every effort will be made to contact a parent/guardian or emergency contact. If no contact can be made, I hereby give authorization to PTA Volunteers to seek treatment for my child by a licensed physician under the Medical Practices Act, pursuant to Section 25.8 of the California Civil code.



Emergency contact DURING Drama Club: TELEPHONE #

 Drama Club Donation
This is the recommended donation for the 2024 Foothill Drama Club. Donations are used for Drama Coach and supplies.
 Drama Club Alternate or Extra Donation
We are grateful for any donation to Foothill's Drama Club. If you'd like to donate to a scholarship fund for another student, this is also where you can do so. Thank you!
 Register My Child$0.00 



February 28 (First Meeting)

March 7

March 14

March 21

March 28

April 4 (Final Meeting)

The final class will end a little early at 4pm