Foothill Elementary
Drama Club Registration for 1st and 2nd graders is OPEN NOW!
Our Foothill Drama Coach, Ms. Brittnie is excited to pilot a 6 week Drama Club for our younger Foothill students. Meetings will take place on the following Fridays in Room 9, 3:00-4:15pm (last day is till 4pm).
(Note: 1st and 2nd graders will need adult supervision between 2:30pm dismissal until Drama Club starts. Supervision will not be provided by PTA. We are not allowed to start Drama Club until 3:00pm)
February 28 (First Meeting)
March 7
March 14
March 21
March 28
April 4 (Final Meeting)
The final class will end a little early at 4pm
Please contact Brittnie Brotzman ( with any questions!